What Are the Myths Surrounding Carpet Cleaning?
Listed below are three of the most popular carpet cleaning myths to keep an eye out for. Book a professional carpet cleaning service to avoid these!
Myth #1: Vacuuming contributes to keeping carpets clean.
While vacuuming does help get rid of dust and allergens, it does nothing to improve the quality of your carpet. In fact, it can actually wear down the carpet fibers which can lead to serious problems. Try hiring a professional carpet cleaner to see how their unique cleaning solutions can help your carpet stay fresh, beautiful, and durable for a long time.
Myth #2: Allergen Research isn’t necessary.
While it’s true that the proper removal of larger allergens can be difficult, vacuuming does not remove all of the dander, fibers, and other allergens on your carpet. It can actually lead to breathing problems and trigger allergies! In fact, vacuuming alone will rarely be able to remove enough of the allergens to keep them from coming back once they accumulate somewhere else in your home.
Myth #3: Cleaning carpets myself is quick and easy.
Cleaning carpets is more time-consuming than you may realize! In fact, most homeowners find that they need to spend hours on end cleaning their carpets, especially if they have a lot of them in their homes. It can also be quite difficult to remove all of the dirt, which can lead to several layers of dirt and dust build-up. Using the wrong cleaning solutions can also cause more damage than good! If you’re not ready to commit to several hours of cleaning, hiring a professional carpet cleaner is your best option for long-lasting results.
Don’t let these myths stop you from getting the best possible results for your carpet by working with A1 Red Carpet Cleaning Denver! If you need the assistance of our experts in Denver, CO, you can always call us at (720) 386-6691 to book our carpet cleaning service!